Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I apologize for my recent absence in cyberworld. I've been visiting my grandfather in South Dakota where there is an actual dead zone for technology. No Internet and even my phone found zero service. After the first couple of days of slightly freaking out...I found I was able to function and it was actually kind of nice to stop compulsively checking my e-mail and voice mail. Of course, I wasn't at the airport for 5 minutes before I picked up my old habits, but it was nice to know I could survive without my technology.

Reminder: Web 2.0 gathering at the District Office on July 23rd from 2:00 - 5:00. You can get staff development hours for this or Tier 2 pay!


Mrs. Yollis said...

When you are forced to be without your computer, it is a real eye opener as to how much you are online. I was on vacation and was forced through the withdrawal period, too. :-)

I will be there on the 23. Are you still offering the Advanced PPT on July 18?

Dashboard Diva said...

Oh my gosh! I think I would die without my cell phone! I can do without email for awhile, but a cell phone? No way! Gotta have my connection to the "outside world!"


Sheryl Grabow-Weiss said...

Helene Blowers, developer of the "23 Things" has some interesting thoughts on being unplugged. Sometimes not being available 24/7 is a good thing. Here's the link to Helene Blowers interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1_cisYTjio