Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Week 6 Thing #15

I like the idea of discussing the evolution of the library. We are currently having this discussion in our district as there's been a movement to eliminate librarians at our secondary schools. My response to this now and then has been utter disbelief. Our libraries are already evolving. Our librarians are the guardians of resources both text based and electronic. One of our major concerns for the future is teaching our students how to manage the vast amount of information out there and our librarians are the key to this process. As a TOSA I have spent the last year training teachers on the use of technology and in one of the videos we show to everyone is Howie DiBlasi's YouTube video Did You Know III? (If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it!) DiBlasi says More than 1442 new books are published....Daily and It's estimated that a weeks worth of New York Times contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a lifetime in the 18th century. The libraries are crucial to preparing our students for the future, and our librarians are the front line in that preparation.

1 comment:

Jane Lofton said...

Thanks so much for sharing these thoughts, Mary Ann. While all teachers need to work on the ideas posed in the YouTube video you posted (and I enjoyed getting to see this updated version) with their students, we librarians make teaching information literacy skills our primary focus. As the video makes clear, students need help learning information literacy skills and how to learn more than ever.