Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Week 3 Thing #5

Floppy Disk
Originally uploaded by mahamre
The Flickr - "blog this" option is very easy to use. The hardest part was picking a picture to blog about! I love all of these tools, I can see how they could really streamline your photo sharing capabilities. I just need to figure out when I have the time and energy to front load Flickr. I, like many of you, keep my photos in albums in iPhoto. I've also set up a number of other websites to share information and pictures with friends and family. I think Flickr could play a pivotal role in my web 2.0 experience, I just need to discipline to set it up. If you get a chance check out this Flickr account. Trey Ratcliff is a computer geek who takes AMAZING HDR (High Dynamic Range) photos and even has an exhibit at the Smithsonian. Great travel photos!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW - those photos are amazing. I want to be him! Someday I will look over his tutorial. Thanks for the link!