Monday, June 9, 2008

Week 4 Thing #9

So many blogs and RSS little time. I'm sticking with my basic headlines and technology news for now, but I did love spending (way too much) time on the Technorati website. Does anyone have an eeePC or know of someone who does? They're only $399 and they seem to be a great possibility for laptop carts for our sites? I read the reviews on BestBuy and people seem to be impressed overall.


Sheryl Grabow-Weiss said...

Are you really looking at laptops as opposed to a stationary lab? WooHoo!!!! I've been saying that for a long time - falls on deaf ears. I really think we need to go wireless and have the computers in the classroom - too much time is wasted going from classroom to lab.

I'm glad you found Technorati interesting - I found it a bit cumbersome - but it could be what I was looking at. Searching for web 2.0 brings up so much. Although it was fun to see my blog come up when I searched.

Keep up the good work - you're almost there!

Mrs. Logan said...

I think that the idea is great AND so is the way that you decided to share your idea with the world via your great new image! This is so much fin. I swear, that I could play with some of these sites for a long time without moving from the computer. However, are there any particular links you would suggest?