Friday, June 6, 2008

Week 4 Thing #8

RSS feeds are very handy to keep a finger on the pulse of topics you are interested in. I set up RSS feeds on my iGoogle page to monitor major headlines from NPR, CNN, and of course People. :-) I also follow certain topics such as Technology, Education, and the California!

I also have a couple of friends who travel constantly and they use RSS feeds to stay in touch with what is happening back home. It's a great way to keep abreast of major topics and find more detailed information on topics of interest.

1 comment:

Sheryl Grabow-Weiss said...

Hi Mary,

I just read your email about following your post - of course I'll comment and follow you. You're doing great - especially with everything that's going on. I also have a tab on my igoogle page for my RSS feeds. I found I was getting bogged down with all of my feeds. It was hard to weed out the ones I really didn't need. I still want to keep some for work, some for fun & some just because. I'll work on organizing them this summer - lol:) Keep up the good work - Sheryl